Terms and conditions

Tondi Shooting Range user and customer conditions

1.1. The purpose of these User and Client Terms and Conditions is to provide the principles of the Shooting Range User Agreement with respect to the Client using the Shooting Range services.
1.2. The user and customer conditions apply to the contract entered into upon purchase of the Visiting Card and the one-time service.

Key terms:
2.1. In the Terms of Use and Customer, the following terms are used with the following meanings:
2.1.1. "Booking Rules" - the part of the user and customer conditions that stipulates the procedure and conditions of pre-registration when purchasing the service;
2.1.2. „Lasketiir“ - service provider Tondi Lasketiir OÜ;
2.1.3. "Customer" - a person using the services of the Shooting Range on the basis of purchasing a Visiting Card or a one-time service;
2.1.4. "Visiting Card" - a multiple card of the shooting range for a regular customer;
2.1.5. "Shooting Package" - the service offered by the Shooting Range, the rights of which are defined in the Price List and provided on the Shooting Range website.
2.1.6. "User and Customer Terms and Conditions" - these User and Customer Terms and Conditions, which apply to the Customer using the services of the Shooting Range in case of purchasing a Visitor Card or a one-time service.

Use of a shooting range
3.1. The Client has the right to use the Shooting Range and the services offered therein in accordance with the conditions set out in his Shooting Package or in accordance with the conditions valid for the Visiting Card. When using the Shooting Range, the Client follows the instructions of the Shooting Range staff.
3.2. The shooting range services are provided only by persons authorized by the shooting range. The Client is prohibited from providing any services to the Shooting Range to third parties without the written consent of the Shooting Range.
3.3. The shooting range can be used by persons from the age of 16. Persons aged 12-15 (incl.) Use the Shooting Range only with an adult and / or consent (eg Shooting Packs "Junior and Senior", "Children's Birthday" or "Youth Birthday"). Persons under the age of 12 are not allowed to use the Shooting Range.
3.4. The client can access the Shooting Range on the basis of a previous reservation. The shooting range has the right to demand the presentation of an identity document to confirm a previous reservation and / or to confirm the age of the Customer.
3.5. If the Customer is not able to use the service offered by the Shooting Range at the time previously booked, he must cancel his reservation in accordance with the procedure provided in the "Booking Rules".
3.6. The Client who does not have a reservation can use the services offered by the Shooting Range only if there are free times.
3.7. The shooting range has the right to make changes in the Shooting Packages and other services offered at any time.
3.8. For extraordinary or reasons beyond the control of the Shooting Range (eg in case of an instructor's illness, bomb threat, fire, accident, their danger, etc.), the Shooting Range has the right to cancel the times previously reserved for the use of the service or restrict the use of the service. The Client will be notified as soon as possible.
3.9. The staff of the shooting range advises and instructs the Client on issues related to the use of the services provided, including the equipment, and keeps the used equipment in working order. The client uses the equipment according to its intended use and instructions received from the shooting range staff.
3.10. The Client behaves in accordance with good manners in the Shooting Range and treats the property in the Shooting Range prudently. Smoking and the consumption of alcohol or stimulants are not allowed in the shooting range. Pets are not allowed on the shooting range. The personnel of the Shooting Range have the right to temporarily remove the Shooting Range from the Shooting Range or to file a claim for damages in violation of any previous obligation or rule.

Terms of purchase and sale
4.1. The Client of the Shooting Range pays the Shooting Range for the service on the basis of an invoice according to the amount of fees provided in the price list. It is possible to pay for the service in cash or by bank card at the shooting range on site. On the website of the shooting range, it is possible to pay for the time via a bank link.
4.2. In the event of a delay in the payment of any fee under the Agreement, the Shooting Range has the right to demand late payment interest of 0.15% of the amount payable per day for each day of delay in payment until full payment of the amount due.
4.3. The shooting range has the right to withdraw from the sales contract entered into via the e-store and not to deliver the ordered goods or provide the service in the following cases:
- the goods have run out of stock;
- the price or features of the goods have been displayed incorrectly in the e-shop due to a system error;
- if the Client does not meet the conditions established by the Shooting Range.
4.4. If it is not possible for the Shooting Range to fulfill the order, the Shooting Range will contact the Customer and return the paid amount when the Customer has managed to make an advance payment for the goods.
4.5. The delivery partner of the shooting range is Itella Estonia OÜ (Itella SmartPost). The maximum delivery time is 8 working days. The ordered product is delivered via the parcel machine service.

5.1. The prices of the products sold in the shooting range online store are given in Euros without transport costs. VAT will not be added. Prices in the online store and sales showroom in Tallinn may differ.
5.2. Payment can be made via Swedbank, SEB Pank, LHV Bank, Luminor, Pocopay and Coop Pank Internet Bank. Also Paypal

Frequently Asked Questions

With which public transport are it possible to come from the center of Tallinn to the Weapons and Tactics Training Center?

Trams no. 3 and 4, stop “Tondi”
b. Buses no. 5, 18, 36, stop “Kalev”
c. Taxi – Be sure to add an approximate cost.


What is SLICE?

The SLICE payment method allows you to pay interest and service fees in three equal installments for purchases of € 75-800. You don’t pay a cent more than the actual cost of the product! You can choose the SLICE payment method in the last stage of the purchase, ie on the checkout page, if the purchase amount is between 75-800 euros. You will make the first installment only one month after the purchase and the second and third installments in the following months. Paying with SLICE is quick and easy. The purchase is confirmed in a few moments and there is no need to sign a credit agreement. The option to pay with the SLICE payment method is marked with the SLICE logo on each product!

The service is provided by Inbank AS


Kuidas ma poole aastaga laskma õppisin

Kuidas ma poole aastaga laskma õppisin


Uued tuuled minu maailmas on järgnevad, et olen nüüd käinud relvakoolitusel (www.relvex.ee) ja saanud ka kõvasti laskmistunde püstol Makarovist. No ma ei tea, kuidagi imelik öelda, aga pole kordagi mööda lasknud. Veidi kardan, et kui eksam kätte jõuab ja õpetajat enam ei ole kõrval, siis närv veab alt. Aga hetkel on küll selline tunne, et tahaks juba eksamile minna. Kõigepealt toimub teooria eksam (kuidagi eriti eredalt tuleb autokool meelde) ja seejärel tuleb teha püstol Makaroviga laskmise eksam.



Põhiliselt võtsime teooria tundides läbi relvaseadust. Kusjuures relvaseadus puudutab vaid kõike, mis on seotud konkreetselt relvadega. See tähendab, et mis tingimustel võib relva omada, transportida, kasutada jne. Ehk siis relvaseadus näiteks kasutab mõistet enesekaitse, aga ei seleta lahti, mis asi seaduse silmis on enesekaitse. Mida loetakse enesekaitseks. Ma ei kujutanud ette ka, kui kaugel need piirid tegelikult on. Nagu ütles mu õpetaja, et enesekaitse vahendina on relv üsna tülikas asi. Seda, mis asi on enesekaitse ja mis hetkel ja kuidas ennast seaduslikult üldse tohib kaitsta (eriti tihti ei tohi), rääkisime ise kõrvale. Kokku oli loenguid 3×3 tundi. See tähendab kolmel erineval päeval ja iga loeng kolm tundi pikk. Mul tekkis küll täitsa selline tunne, et nagu oleks tagasi kooli läinud. Sattusin kihvtide tüüpidega samasse loengusse, kes rääkisid ikka päris põnevaid lugusid jahipidamisest ja relvadega reisimisest jne.




Peale neid loenguid olen jäänud jahipidamise peale üleüldiselt palju mõtlema ja otsustanud, et ma tahan kindlasti vähemalt korra elus minna jahile. Paljud võib-olla ei tea seda, aga ma olen nimelt taimetoitlane. Tegelikult alles väga noor taimetoitlane, alles saab aasta, ja ega ma ei ole iialgi täpselt mõelnud, et miks ma olen. Tunne lihtsalt oli selline.

See kõik algas vist sellest, et mul tekkis mingi huvi aru saada, kui töödeldud mingi toit on. Ja siis ma hakkasin kuidagi eriliselt mõtlema selle peale, et liha puhul on seda jube raske teha kindlaks, kuna mul ei ole õrna aimugi, mida nendele loomadele on elu ajal sisse söödetud.

Nüüd hiljem olen ma jõudnud veel järgmise põneva mõtteni, et kui tihti me ei halvusta inimesi, kes istuvad kõrgetel kohtadel ja teevad otsuseid, mis mõjutavad miljonite elusid (ja surmasid), kuid samas peame hirmsaks ja räpaseks näiteks jahimeeste tööd (samal ajal kabanossi õgides). Seega ma jõudsin kuidagi selleni, et ma just tahaksin minna jahile ja saada päriselt aru, mida see tähendab. Mulle tundub see ausam. Ma ei tea miks, aga tundub.

Vaata koolitusi siit!